Anonos Intervention filed with the CJEU in case EDPS v SRB C-413/23 P

Importance of State-of-the-Art Global Data Privacy and Security

Q1: What exactly does 'intervention' mean in the context of a court case? In legal proceedings, an 'intervention' is a formal action taken by a third party, not originally involved in the lawsuit, to join the case due to a direct interest in the subject of the litigation. It's a powerful tool that can influence the outcome by introducing new arguments and perspectives. Anonos filed this intervention in support of the EDPS in this legal proceeding.

Q2: What prompted Anonos to file an intervention in the EDPS v SRB case before the CJEU? Anonos stepped in due to the pressing issue of AI's impact on global data privacy and security. The intervention was a strategic move to address the inadequacy of traditional data protection measures in the face of modern AI technologies. Anonos' involvement underscores the capabilities of state-of-the-art technical data privacy and security capabilities (e.g., Statutory Pseudonymization specifically highlighted in Articles 25 and 32 of the GDPR) to prevent the misuse of personal data in an increasingly interconnected global AI landscape.

Q3: What transformative outcome is Anonos seeking with its intervention? Anonos' intervention calls for the use of GDPR-compliant state-of-the-art embedded technical controls for AI processing that do not sacrifice the utility or potential of the data involved. This legal decision will set the precedent for how personal data should be protected to ensure that privacy and security controls are built into the data's lifecycle, mitigating risks of misuse and breaches in the era of global-scale AI processing. Benefits of state-of-the-art embedded controls include:

  • Use-Case-Specific Identity Anonymization: This involves creating a spectrum of anonymization, from completely anonymous data, which cannot be linked back to an individual by anyone, to data that can be relinked but only under controlled conditions.

  • Ensuring Accuracy and Utility in Protected Data: Anonos aims to preserve the value and precision of data, which are critical for the effective deployment of AI, while still upholding data protection standards.

  • Accelerating AI Processing and Insight: By pre-approving data assets that meet strict data protection standards, quicker AI insights are possible without compromising on the rigorous requirements of data security and privacy.
Anonos EDPS v SRB Intervention filed with CJEU in case C-413/23 P